Support Dr. Daniel Povey and His Students

World-class AI researcher Dr. Daniel Povey is forced to leave Johns Hopkins University on 8/31/2019. The decision was made without input from our community, leaving 20 students advisorless.

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All Stories

Who is Dr. Daniel Povey

Who is Dr. Daniel Povey

Dr. Povey is a renowned research scientist in the field of speech recognition. Over the past twenty years or so, Dr. Povey has been constantly making magnificent contributions to the...

What Happened

What Happened

Student’s month-long occupation of Garland Hall cut off CLSP’s access to its computing grid.

Letter from Dan's Advisees

Letter from Dan's Advisees

A Letter From Dr. Daniel Povey’s Students

Future of Kaldi ASR

Future of Kaldi ASR

Below we try to estimate the impact of Dr. Povey’s incident on the development of Kaldi, partially based on communications with Dr. Povey.